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Uma criança toca o vidro que separa a maquete tátil do público.

Three people are handling the tactile model of Sala São Paulo.

On its 25th anniversary, Sala São Paulo unveils the tactile model of the concert hall. Developed by the Atelier de Artes e Acessibilidade of visual artist Alfonso Ballestero, the model uses materials such as biodegradable thermoplastic, wood, and 3D printing technology to create an accurate representation of the space, preserving all the characteristic architectural details.

The three-dimensional model is intended for exploration by touch for people with visual impairments or low vision, as well as individuals with intellectual disabilities. The main goal is to aid in understanding the spatial arrangement of the environments, but it also helps with orientation and mobility (promoting autonomy for the audience), in addition to serving educational purposes.

Produced at a scale of 1:50, the challenge of this resource was to present the iconic architecture of the concert hall, located in the Grand Hall of the former train station, including all the ornamental elements that characterize this historical landmark, as well as those responsible for the hall's acoustics, such as the movable ceiling.

Check out the schedule for accessible visits.

Audio description

The audio description resource aims to complement and enhance the experience of visually impaired visitors to Sala São Paulo. The narrator describes all the elements, such as materials, textures, and colors, allowing the audience to explore the model and its tactile pieces representing architectural details, such as columns, panels of the movable ceiling, and the surface of the balconies.

Listen to the audio description here.

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