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Foto do Coro Academico da Osesp, grupo de 23 alunos e, a direita, o maestro preparador Marcos Thadeu. Todos usam roupas pretas e estão de pé num dos arcos da Sala São Paulo.

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Coro Acadêmico na Catedral Anglicana da Santíssima Trindade

corpo artístico
Marcos Thadeu
Venue: Catedral Anglicana da Santíssima Trindade
Date: sáb., 23 de novembro de 2024
Time: 16:00
Duration: 60 min.
Price: free
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TOMAS LUIS DE VICTORIA Ave Maria TOMAS LUIS DE VICTORIA O Magnum Mysterium FRANZ SCHUBERT Missa em Sol maior, D 167: Kyrie MICHAEL PRAETORIUS Es ist ein ros'entsprungen ANTON BRUCKNER Os justi ANTON BRUCKNER Locus iste KIM ANDRE ARNENSEN Even when he is silent ERIC WHITACRE Water night SILVIA BERG Agua nocturna GUSTAV MAHLER Urlicht (transcrição de Clytus Gottwald) FRANZ SCHUBERT Missa em Sol maior, D 167: Glória

O concerto é gratuito, sujeito a lotação do espaço.

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CBMMKapitalo InvestimentosDeloitte
Fundação SiemensTilibraVerde Asset ManagementVeirano Advogados
Realização (FOsesp, SP e BR)
Brazilian Sign Language

We understand the importance of accessibility and inclusion in cultural events, which is why we are committed to ensuring that everyone can fully enjoy the magic of live music.


Audiodescription It is an accessibility feature that enhances understanding for people with visual, intellectual, dyslexic disabilities, and the elderly at concerts. The feature involves a narrator who simultaneously describes all information that can be visually perceived, such as costumes, special effects, information about the environment, description of gestures, credits, and subtitles.