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Imagem oficial do Coro

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Coro na Capital: Igreja Anglicana da Santíssima Trindade

corpo artístico
William Coelho
regente e maestro preparador
Venue: Praça Olavo Bilac, 63 - Santa Cecilia
Date: sex., 27 de setembro de 2024
Time: 19:00
Duration: 44 min.
Price: free
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MORTEN LAURIDSEN O magnum mysterium [O grande mistério] ANTONIO LOTTI Crucifixus a oito vozes JULIANA RIPKE Vozes-Mulheres [texto de Conceição Evaristo] ERIC WHITACRE Sleep [Sono] GILBERTO GIL e NANA CAYMMI Bom dia [arranjo de Pedro Veneziani] LEO BROUWER Cántico de Celebración NIBALDO ARANEDA Ismalia DORIVAL CAYMMI Suíte dos pescadores [arranjo de Damiano Cozella] HEITOR VILLA-LOBOS Choros nº 3: Pica-Pau
AYLTON ESCOBAR Sabiá, coração de uma viola RONALDO MIRANDA Suíte nordestina

Brazilian Sign Language

We understand the importance of accessibility and inclusion in cultural events, which is why we are committed to ensuring that everyone can fully enjoy the magic of live music.


Audiodescription It is an accessibility feature that enhances understanding for people with visual, intellectual, dyslexic disabilities, and the elderly at concerts. The feature involves a narrator who simultaneously describes all information that can be visually perceived, such as costumes, special effects, information about the environment, description of gestures, credits, and subtitles.